Hello all,

Made it back from Seattle yesterday. We had our three month check up yesterday. I would say that there really wasn’t any surprises. Didn’t feel super great and everything definitely reflected that. Met a new transplant doctor yesterday. He was nice, his name escapes me at the moment but his first name was William (so we will go with Dr. Bill). He was nice and seemed to really care about my current state. He said that I should follow up with Dr. C here and Dr. Gold in portland to address my illness.

We didn’t do much on this trip. Had two good dinners and went to one store to shop. Neither Kerry or I found anything that we couldn’t live without. A funny side note, back around Christmas when Emily and Jason were visiting, Jason made a comment that he wanted to get a pair of boots like Kerry had. I guess that he has been looking, according to Emily, for a pair like Kerry’s. Anyway, Kerry found the exact same pair in multiple sizes. Kinda funny.

After our appointment on Tuesday we got in the car and I called Dr. C to give him an update and tell him how I was feeling. Needless to say, I had a room at the Mercy Hilton waiting for me when we got home. I’m sick!

Been a long day and I slept through most of it. The nurse put a sign on the door that is basically asking people to stay away for a few days so I can rest. Sorry about that. I do enjoy when everyone comes to visit, but I’m tired.

Here’s a positive note though, just got a call from Dr. C and he has been in touch with Seattle. His message to me was that I am 12th on the list, and there is no one in front of me with the same size and age. This is good because if lungs become available in my dimension then I will get them! Hopefully lungs become available soon! Send lots of positive thoughts:). He said

Until next time…….

“Just Breathe”

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2 Responses to Seattle…..

  1. Felicia says:

    Thinking of you Jen! I hope you get plenty of rest!

  2. Vi Jobb says:

    I am so sorry you have to go through this, but wanted yo let you know I think you are an amazing you women and you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.

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