Day 6 is almost complete. I haven’t been feeling up to par today. I get to coughing and it takes me awhile to catch my breath. My oxygen has been turned up to 6 liters today instead of my normal 4. Hoping I can get it back down to baseline, one step at a time. Still coughing up brown thick junk. I was able to take a shower this afternoon, hopefully going to go for a walk this evening. Trying to push myself a little more each day. Have to keep my strength up for transplant.

Yesterday was full of visitors, which was nice but I’ve taken several looooonnnggg naps today. Still wore down. Which if you know me it’s driving me crazy! Ready to be up running around again! Ha ha.

Started the morning off with chest X-rays. Just want to make sure things are subsisting in my lungs and not turning into something more. Had to have more labs drawn. For some reason my white blood cell count went sky high again. Ggggrrrrr. Did another blood culture today, hopefully by tomorrow we will know something. Cross your fingers!

Tube feeds are doing their job, my weight is coming back up or the steroids are packing the extra pounds on. Ha ha. Oh well that’s a good thing!

Happy birthday Emily! I miss you my friend! 🙂

Well dinner just arrived guess I better eat!

Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start!

Until next time……..

“Just Breathe”

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