Weather wise today has been a nasty. I don’t think it’s stopped raining all day, and the wind is howling! It was a great day to stay inside and rest up. Took several naps today, after having a late night last night felt good to rest up today!

My dad and I watched Kevin Harvick take the checked flag at the Camping World 500, then we switched over to the NHRA Gator Nationals! Looked pretty warm down in Gainsville! Glad to see Larry Dixon walk away from his crash. Yikes! Congrats to Spencer Massey, Ron Capps, Greg Anderson, and Karen Stoffal. Glad to see Karen back out racing! 🙂

Hopefully tomorrow the rain will hold off and we can venture out! Come on Mr. Sunshine!! Ready to do some walking! Well that’s all I have to report for now. Hope everyone stayed dry today, heard it was nasty back home as well. Happy Sunday everyone!

Until next time……..

“Just Breathe”

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5 Responses to Rainy Day

  1. Dave says:

    always sunshine when I read your posts……thanks

  2. Julie Stoffal Weaver says:

    I enjoy reading your post. It brings a smile to my face, thank you.

    Question: if you had to do it all over again, God forbid, would you do anything differently?

    • Jen Dwight says:

      Hi Julie~

      That’s a great question! I don’t think I would change a single thing! Even if I could go all the way back to being born not having CF. Yes, Cystic Fibrosis is a brutal life threatening disease, but it’s made me the person I am today. I am a very determined, strong willed and a fighter because of it. Post transplant the only thing unwound change is take the pain away! Ha ha. No but overall I wouldn’t change a single thing, it’s been an incredible journey!!! Thank you for asking! 🙂

  3. Kevin says:

    Yes we got it here too. At least it is relatively warm, about 55 degree or so, should help with the heating bill 🙂 The wind and rain was pretty much non-stop, typical NW winter storm. Never fear, it is supposed to clear up Wednesday and Thursday this week so those will can be the “walking days” 🙂 Have a great day anyway!!

  4. Bozo says:

    Keep it up Sun shine

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