Greetings Everyone!

Our appointment with the Dr. Wright (an Endocrinologist) went great today! She is pleased with how well my blood sugar levels are starting to stable out. My numbers tend to be on the high side, at dinner time. Dr. Wright upped my insulin at lunchtime by two points. So hopefully that will help! Dr. Wright also thinks when I finish my steroid taper, the insulin should go away!! Fingers crossed!!

After our appointment we wondered around the University Village again. This shopping complex is HUGE!! Did lots of window shopping, just wanted to get a walk in before the rain hit. Once it started sprinkling it was time to find a place to eat. Found a cool pizza place, they even made and toss their own dough. It was fun to watch! Was pretty tasty as well. Although I had gluten free Kerry and my mom’s pizza looked delicious!

Once we finished our lunch we headed back to our apartment. It was a wet and dreary day here in Seattle. Was a great day to just kick back and relax. Hung out on the couch for a little while, played around with my camera. I think I’m starting to figure things out ha ha! When we returned back to our apartment, I had a package waiting for me down at the first desk. I walked back downstairs to get it. I was super curious what it was, as soon as I got back I ripped the package open. My great friend and fellow CFer, Ricky Wilkins made me the most AWESOMEST t-shirt ever!!!! I can’t wait to wear it out in public and watch people’s reactions! It’s going to be great!! Thank you again Rick I LOVE it!!!


After a little while Kerry and I ventured out for a couple of movies for tonight, probably not the best idea I’ve ever had. We got stuck in rush hour traffic. It took us over an hour and half to get back to our apartment. Yikes! It was crazy lol!

Well tomorrow is another busy day, plus I need to fill up my SAMS box again, and do my nightly routine. I better get with it! Hope everyone had a great Tuesday! Goodnight! 🙂

Until next time………..

“Just Breathe”

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6 Responses to Tossed Tuesday

  1. Peggy says:

    Your doing great there girl, fun to hear you find the positive even on a rainy Seattle day. You are blessed for sure!:)

  2. Lindsey Stanton says:

    Love your post! So great to get updates! You look amazing! Keep up the hard work!

  3. Candice says:

    Love the shirt!!

  4. Melissa M says:

    You need a few more shirts like that! One for every outing in a week! 🙂 Your story amazes me daily! Love hearing each day’s progress! Keep up the good work, can’t wait to hear news that you’re heading back home!

  5. Kevin says:

    Great news from the Endocrinologist. It would be wonderful to put the insulin behind you in the near future. Great shirt, that ought to keep the stares down!! 🙂

  6. Aunt Levie says:

    LOVE THE SHIRT!!!!!!!

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