Today was another beautiful and busy day here in Seattle.

Woke up to sunshine! Ahhhhh loved it! Kerry and I took off for a nice long walk this morning. Ended up riding the trolley downtown, walking to Target for a few groceries and then on to Pike’s Market for some fresh seafood for Easter dinner tomorrow. As we were making our way back to the trolley station, the trolley was going by. We were pressed for time, since we were meeting my cousin and his family for lunch at 1:30. It’s almost two miles from Pike’s Market back to our apartment, so we took off on foot! It was a good challenge for me! I glade to say I made it!

Once we finally reached our apartment we quickly put groceries away, and then hurried across the street. We met up with my parents, my cousin Jay and his family and Chandler’s Restaurant. Haven’t seen them in a very long time! It was great just to sit down one on one with them and visit. Really enjoyed our conversations!!!! Thank you again Jay, Stella and Alec Williams for taking time out of your day for us! We love you guys very much!

After we said our goodbyes Kerry and I hurried back the apartment for long pants and jackets. We were off to watch the Seattle Sounders take on the Houston Dynamo’s at CenturyLink field. Even though I am not a soccer fan it was cool to check out the stadium! I also enjoyed watching the “rowdy” section on the south end. They go crazy the entire game, chanting, yelling, standing, waving flags, whatever it is they totally get into it! The Sounders ended up winning the game 1-0. I learned two lessons at tonights game, one was be prepared to stand the entire game, and two is you need a Sounders scarf if you go to a game!! Apparently that is the “thing” to wave and hold up during the game. I had to go by a $10 scarf, not to wave around but to cover my ears up! I was freezing ha ha! Although now I can say I’ve watched a professional soccer game.

Seattle Sounders

When Kerry and I arrived back at our apartment we were waiting for an elevator, along with another family who had three kids. When a vacant elevator finally arrived we all filed in. The kids couldn’t have been over the age of 10, the youngest one turned to his brother and said “why does she have a thing over her nose? Wait why does she have thing over her face?” HIs brother’s response was “probably because she smelt those fart bombs you left off!” I didn’t have a comeback for that one! All I could was laugh! I have to say that is the first time I’e ever heard that one! Definitely will remember that one!

Oh I forgot to mention this morning, I was able to change the bandages over my peg-tube hole, and my mediport. I took a couple pictures, in case anyone is curious what my scars look like. My mediport scar will look the same as before, except I don’t have a lump under my skin anymore. As far as my peg-tube hole goes, my skin will eventually close back together. The interventional radiologist told me, once he pulled my peg-tube out it will be a matter of seconds before the wall of my stomach closes back together. They apply heavy amounts of pressure after remove to insure the stomach wall closes back up, and the “juices” from your stomach do not leak out. The body is one amazing things! The redness on my skin is from puling the tape off. I think it is safe to say my skin is getting tired of being poked and taped back together! Oh well it could be worse right???

Peg tube


I’m still learning to find the balance of how much I can do in one day. Now that I have my new breathers, I just want to get out and walk! Although I did plenty of that today, this girl is beyond tired!! According to my health app I took 12,228 steps today, which equals to 5.01 miles! My little chicken legs are done for the day ha ha! Although I have enjoyed my busy day, and I feel wonderful for being able to walk that much, I am definitely ready to call it a night. I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday, and all the little ones are excited for the Easter bunny!

Until next time………….

“Just Breathe”

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2 Responses to Busy day!!

  1. Aunt Levie says:

    You had a busy day, so glad Jay, Stella & Alec stopped. What a treat for all of you! You let those lil chicken legs of yours rest, you really are giving them and those lungs a great workout. So happy for you, Kerry, Mom & Dad. Also happy for ALL your Aunts, Uncles & Cousins cause I know we are all thrilled about how well you are doing. Happy Easter to you all and know we love you all! Just breathe!!!!

  2. Lindsey Stanton says:

    Happt Easter! We love you!

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