Holy smokes! After a late night last night, Alesha and I slept in this morning. I told Alesha it is a rule we watch The Price Is Right every morning we can, and you have to play along! She laughed like I was joking, little did she know! I’m pretty sure she laughed at my dad and I for an entire hour! Oh well! Ha ha. After Hour Power was over, we finished getting ready for the day and our feet were beating the payment.

I took Alesha for her first maiden voyage on the S.L.U.T! She had to ride it! Ha ha! We rode it downtown our first stop was Goodwill. We went junking, well I doubt you would call this Goodwill “junk.” They had tons of designer stuff for sale! Alesha found some great bargains! After Alesha paid for her items, we continued our walk towards downtown. We probably walked another 8 blocks (on an incline let me remind you) until we finally reached “the heart” of downtown. We continued towards Pike’s Market, while stopping in a few stores in-between. Pike’s Market was beautiful, not too many people out and Mr. Sunshine was shining brightly today!! We were walking around in just jeans, t-shirt and sunnies! Felt so good! I’m pretty sure Alesha and I covered every possible square inch of downtown Seattle. Well, not literally but it sure felt like it!

Once we returned back to the apartment for the evening I checked my health app and it said we walked 4.4 miles today! Good grief I know we walked a lot but I didn’t think it was that much! Hey I am proud to say I kept pace with Alesha, and didn’t have to stop for any breaks! Although as I write this blog I wonder who is wore out the most, her or I. Ha ha! Safe to say these new breathers definitely got a workout today! Felt so good!

Well tomorrow starts off with rehab bright and early! It’s bedtime for this girl, pretty quickly. Its funny how writing a blog every night has become part of my nightly routine. I nee to go finish the rest of my nightly routine. Which consists of swallowing a handful of pills, taking my temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar level and last but not least checking my in home spirometry numbers. Wish me luck! Ha ha!

Hope everyone had a great Thursday!

Until next time……….

“Just Breathe”

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6 Responses to A little bit of everything……….

  1. Kevin says:

    4.4 miles a lot of walking, sound like you two had a blast!! Walk a few miles for me, I am sure my Dr. would appreciate it 🙂 I just love the S.L.U.T acronym, we have to find something here in Douglas County that this acronym would work for. 🙂 Another great day, keep up the good work!

  2. Aunt Levie says:

    Way to go, keep up the good work!!

  3. Bozo says:

    You just keep on truckin so great to read you’re positive blogs God Bless

  4. Toni W says:

    So good to hear you are able to enjoy your stay in Seattle! It makes the time go by so much faster to make the best of it, you are an inspiration to us all. Prayers.

  5. connie says:

    Love your Blog Jen!

  6. larry says:

    wahoooo you go girl…..

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