I am beyond happy to say I am writing tonights blog from the comforts of our Lake Union apartment!!!! This calls for a triple WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!

Woke up this morning itching to go. I was hoping we were on the top of the list for IR (Interventional Radiology), since I had to be NPO (nothing by mouth) since midnight. Needless to say my belly was hungry! My peripheral iv site was starting to go bad, we had to nurse it along. IR came around noon to get me. I was whisked away, next thing I knew things were rolling! I was under the impression I was having a pic line placed, the radiologist and my transplant doctors decided to go a little different route. I ended up having what is called a power pic line. It was placed in the left side of my chest, just slightly above my mediport scar. The “tail” of line is super small feeds right into a vein which goes right above my heart. Since I have tiny veins to begin with, IR uses magnets and X-rays to help guide the line into the correct potion. While I was in this procedure I had a “personal” nurse named Ernie, he was a hoot! He gave me a great little concoction thru my iv to keep me calm, and relaxed. I was definitely in my own little world that is for sure! He also let me hold his hand while I was injected with lidocaine multiple times. Next thing I knew the line was placed and we were headed back to my room!

I had to receive my 2 o’clock dose of Ceftazedime before we could be discharged, thank goodness it only takes thirty minutes to infuse. Once that was complete I couldn’t get out of the door fast enough!

We arrived back at the apartment around 5:30 or so, a nurse from Walgreens was waiting for us so she could teach us how to do the infusions. This isn’t my first rodeo, so let’s just say the teaching went pretty quickly! Ha ha.

I was beyond starving and did not want to go anywhere’s, we ordered pizza in. Wasn’t too shabby, but then again I would have ate just about anything! Ha ha.

Now that i’m back at the apartment with a full belly, and my sweats on my eyes are getting extremely heavy. Trying to stay awake for the Mariners vs Minnesota game, hey we actually look pretty good! Hopefully we can keep it up and isn’t too boring for your Kevin Miller! Ha ha!

Anyways hope everyone had a Friday, and a joyous weekend ahead with ones you love! Thank you again for all your kind words! We have made it over this hurdle! Fourteen more days of iv’s and oral antibiotics and then we are home free!

Until next time………..

“Just Breathe”

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5 Responses to FINALLY!!

  1. Doug H says:

    Glad you got out of the hospital and you are on the mend. Have a great weekend.

  2. Nickye Rank says:

    Yay! Glad you are out of the hospital. Keep your head up lady. Think about you often.

  3. Aunt Levie says:

    What awesome news, saw this blog and my heart bout flew out. Am so thrilled and happy for you!!
    Keep up the good work!!! Love to all

  4. Tawnya says:

    Jen I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better. And I’m ecstatic that you are out of the hospital. Love you tons!!!

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