Well today was go time for the old sinuses! Beyond ready to get this done, felt like it was the last piece of the puzzle to complete. We arrived at the Oregon Surgery Center just a few minutes before 8 o’clock. The receptionist was very nice, asked lots of questions. I also had to fill out several pages of paperwork. My favorite part is when your asked to list all your current medications. I’ve learned to just take my list from UW of all my meds, they take a copy and then they have it on record. Plus it saves my hand from cramping up! Ha ha! My parents, Aunt D and Kerry were there to support me today. Such a great feeling to have the support I do! I also noticed on Facebook people wore their “Just Breathe Team Jen” shirts today! You guys are awesome!! I can’t thank you enough for the support!
I didn’t have to wait long in the waiting area before my name was called. The nurse took me back, had to change into one of those fabulous gowns. Hey at least it was purple, it was like meant to be! We had a little go around about using my central line, and trying to start a peripheral iv. After a little time they wheeled in a pump and used my central line. Thank goodness I was a happy camper! Anyway’s Dr. Schreiner came in, we discussed the plan and then he said a quick prayer which I thought was very thoughtful of him! The Anesthesiologist came in, introduced herself pushed a little versed into my line, and I was off in my own little world! Next thing I remember is they wheeled me down the hall, and into the OR room, the anesthesiologist kept asking me questions about my lung transplant, while she held the mask over my face. It was within seconds it felt like and I was fast asleep.
The surgery took a little over an hour and a half to complete. Dr. Schreiner went out and talked to my family afterwards. He was all exited! He took several pictures of the infection pockets of pseudomonas. Apparently he was all jazzed up to share them, he said I should hang them on the refrigerator! The pictures show pockets where the pseudomonas was. Pretty gross. He cut and cleaned all of them out. These were the “culprits” for going down into my new lungs. Dr. Schreiner used a tool it’s basically a giant power washer. He used it throughout my sinuses washing out every little nook and cranny. Washing away the pseudomonas, snot, and anything else that might be hiding up there. Dr. Schreiner wanted the surgery to make a hug difference and believe’s it will. My frontal sinuses were completed closed off, he went in and opened them back up. That’s what was causing all my headaches. Can’t wait to wake up and not have a raging headache! Dr. Schreiner was very pleased with how well things went. He had mentioned to my family about getting the call from Dr. Chakraborty on February 3rd. He remembers Dr. Chakraborty telling him sinus surgery was a no go because lungs were hopefully be available. He said he was extremely happy on one hand, but extremely hard on the other hand because he couldn’t tell me! Dr. Schreiner said he has been following our journey, and is extremely excited to celebrate at the luau with us! What an amazing doctor! I am extremely luck to have him on my team! I cannot thank him enough for what he has done!
Also Dr. Chakraborty came by twice to check on my today. Once while I was in pre-op we got to speak for a few minutes, and then he also came back while I was in surgery and spoke to my family. Such a nice man! Again, extremely lucky to have him on our team as well!
I don’t feel that bad this evening, I’m rocking this awesome gauze pad mustache under my nose! It looks pretty cool when it gets soaked with blood! Ha ha! The only thing I can’t do the next couple of days is bend over. If I do, which I tried earlier when I picked up the dogs water dish and blood starts running out. Oops! My head hurts somewhat, but this pain is nothing compared to my transplant! I think it’s time to take a tylenol and go back to sleep! I crashed when I got home this afternoon, woke up long enough to eat dinner, write this blog, do my nightly routine and head back to bed! Hope everyone had a great Tuesday! I will post pictures below of my sinuses. If you double click on the the photo it will make the picture a lot bigger! Fair warning they are pretty gross! But being a science nerd I think they are pretty cool! One more piece of the puzzle complete! Cheers everyone!
Until next time……….
“Just Breathe”
So glad that it all went well! Dr. Schreiner is amazing! He did our Marisa’s surgery to take her tonsils/adenoids out when she was 5. Absolutely LOVED that he took the time to pray with us before he took her back. So comforting & reassuring that God is in charge! Hope you heal quickly! ♡ ♡♡♡♡
Being a bit of a science nerd myself, pretty cool picks! Now you won’t have to worry about the same infection in your beautiful new lungs!! I hope you recover quickly and continue to enjoy your new freedom!! 🙂
I’m with Kevin;). The pics are cool!!!!
I had a feeling I might see those pics again on your blog! I think your hubby thinks I’m a bit weird for being so excited about green pus! Guess that’s why they call us booger doctors… It’s awesome to be a part of your journey!