Woke up this morning feeling refreshed and excited to see Aunt Vera! We all took our time waking up and getting around. It was a little after 10:30 when we headed out the door. We weren’t sure if Aunt Vera had a morning schedule, if she slept in late or what her morning routine consisted of. We couldn’t wait any longer.
When we arrived at the assisted living facility she was wide awake looking out the window. My dad was the first one to walk in, and she shouted “oh my god, it’s about it!” Which brought tears to all of our eyes. She didn’t know I was was able to make the trip, so I got to surprise her. She was beyond excited to see me! She couldn’t believe I was standing in her room. Her eye sight isn’t the greatest, but she kept saying “oh honey you look so good!” She asked about my transplant, and living in Seattle. We had a great conversation! For being 96 years old she is still sharp as a tack! She was telling stories from way back when, including exact dates, how old she was and she was even talking about past elections. I was truly amazed! I struggle with remember what I did yesterday, let alone past elections.
As we were sitting by Aunt Vera’s bed, she has big window that over looks the town of Elko, it is a very pretty view. Anyway’s the sky was cloudy and then all of a sudden it turned completely black. Not grey, not dark grey black! Then all of a sudden lightening strikes started hitting, followed by thunder. The thunder sounded like it was right on top of us. Man the angels must have been doing some serious bowling in heaven today. The storm went on for quite awhile, it even knocked the power out at the manor, good thing the back up generators came on. Following the thunder storm, here came the rain, and it rained for pretty much the rest of the day! I do have to say Elko has some crazy weather!!!!
We enjoyed our visit with Aunt Vera for several hours, you could tell she was getting tired and wasn’t talking as much. It was time for her to relax and take a nap. So glad we got to see her today! We are headed back tomorrow morning to visit as well.
Once we left the manor we decided to drive around Elko. It has been two years since I have been here and the town has really changed in that time! Lots of new buildings being built, the city is really expanding. It was fun to visit downtown Elko, and see what it has to offer. Hardly any stores or restaurants are open on Sundays, so we did a lot of window shopping! Ha! We did find a place called The Blind Onion for lunch, it was a pizza joint and it was delicious! After lunch and our adventure around town we headed back to our hotel. I did my Cayston, took my 4:00 o’clock meds, sat down on the bed and I was out like a light! Good grief I totally did not man to do that! Took a little cat nap. After I that we decided to go check out the casino. Today was bingo day and of course I was all over that! Except they do not have a bingo hall, in order to play bingo you either have to be playing a machine or a table game. So you have to multi task. Trying to play bingo, and blackjack was tough for me! Ha! Maybe it’s the blonde hair? They pass out new bingo cards every half hour and then call out the numbers. Each bingo is worth $200! Came close a couple times, but no such luck. Although I walked away even I played with $20 bucks for quite awhile! After a couple hours I was burnout and ready to head back to the room. Plus I had several people ask me “what’s wrong with you?” Of course, I had my mask on. I answered with “nothing I feel amazing!” Of course, they are still looking at your because you have a mask on, I would let them think on that for a few seconds and then I would tell them “It’s nothing big I just had a double lung transplant three months ago!” Ah the looks on their faces were priceless! I had a good laugh out of it! 🙂
Well I better start wrapping this blog up. I am having a hard time concentrating on typing and watching the Kanas Nationals! Drag racing time, whoop whoop! Hope everyone had a great Sunday!
Until next time………
“Just Breathe”
Glad you got to see your aunt, 96! That is amazing! I am sure she was thrilled to see you! I am sure the look on her face when she saw you was worth the long drive in itself!! Travel safe and have fun (or should I say get some sleep) on the way back 🙂
I can tell your getting better cause your getting honery! ha So glad you got to see Aunt Vera, she is a really neat and amazing lady.