In my eyes living with Cystic Fibrosis and having a double lung transplant makes me feel like I need to do what’s required to live. I don’t look at myself as a “superstar” or a “hero” I just think of myself as a person who has over come some major hurdles in her life. I am just an ordinary person who sets goals in life and achieves them to the best of their ability. Even though I got to experience being a teacher for a short period of time, today was a great reminder as to why I became a teacher. Throughout my transplant journey I have had a special connection with Molly Boye’s 8th grade science kids. Even though I have stepped away from the classroom, today made me realize you do NOT need to be present in a classroom everyday to make an impact in someone’s life. I got the opportunity to surprise Molly’s kids today with lunch. Seeing their faces as they proceeded to walk into class and I was standing there. Most of them were speechless at first, several kids asked me if I was “Jen Dwight, the girl who had a double lung transplant? No, you couldn’t be!” I couldn’t stop smiling, in fact I still have a smile on face as I write this blog. All the kids gave me a hug, and most of them gave me a positive compliment. I literally had tears in my eyes. Just knowing kids came to school everyday just to hear my blog, to find out how our healing process was going, to tell me how happy they were for my family and I for getting the call, how brave I was to undergo such a major surgery and be here to talk about it, or most of all how I have inspired them to keep a positive attitude everyday. This is why I became a teacher, or in another way a “blogger”. It is amazing how in the smallest way possible we have some affect on a person’s life. Molly and the entire 8th grade science kiddos I cannot thank you enough for making me realize I do what I do. I have enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of you. You all hold a special place in my heart, and you always will!
I truly had an amazing time today. It is a memory that will definitely stick with me for the rest of my life. On that note I am going to turn this blog over to Ms. Molly Boye. She asked if she could write a few words in tonight’s blog, and of course I said yes! For everyone out there I leave you with the these words from the late great Winston Churchill “Never Never Never give up!” I think about this quote daily! Hope everyone had a great Wednesday!
Until next time……..
“Just Breathe”
The following was written by my great friend Molly Boye:
Jen and I first met when my husband took a job at Douglas High School. I have moved several times with him and it’s always hard to make new friends in small, established communities. But Jen came to my rescue! She introduced herself to me, introduced me to many others and always looked out for me at functions where I literally knew no one! Then I ran into her while she was subbing and I quickly added her to my favorite sub list. I loved when she subbed for me or in our school. Kids just flock to her!
Somehow we began talking about school and what was going on in my class. In 7th grade life science we were studying genetic disorders and she VOLUNTEERED to come to my class and give a presentation. That day things changed for me. Though Jen often says the CF doesn’t define her, I had no idea! For 45 minutes my students and I were humbled by her frank, honest sharing of what her life was like with CF. I was filled with emotion but didn’t really want my students to see how I was feeling. This was one amazing person standing in front of us, sharing her story. I will never forget that day☺
We’ve had a lot of great times since then, and she has been back to my room to chat with students numerous times. My present 8th grade class has gotten to know her best, and they were ecstatic when I told them she was on the transplant list. On February 4th we watched the clock, waiting for news. We all cheered when the news came that the transplant was complete and things went well. Not a day went by that at least 2 or 3 kids asked about her. She has a big fan club at Canyonville School. We even sent her a care package and asked her many questions on face time.
Today was the BEST!!!!!!!!! Jen and I planned for her to come and surprise my 8th graders. I kept the secret and they were so happy and surprised to see her. Some of them were actually quiet, shy and reserved. I think that just the fact that she was standing in front of them was astonishing. She brought them lunch and we had a party. Then she stayed and met the 7th graders, answered some of their questions and shared lungs pictures, before and after.
It’s not often that you are touched by such a wonderful person that shares the love of middle school kids with you☺ I am thankful every day for our friendship and the kindness that you have shown my students. You are truly OUR ROCK STAR!!!!!!
Hi Jen and Molly, great blog. It is very impressive to see the positive influence Jen has had on the students at Canyonville School. It is important that students learn more than just academics while they are young. They also need to learn that there are brave people out there that have been dealt a difficult hand in life and yet they still do not give up. Jen is a great example for your kids Molly and it is impressive your friendship has led to such a positive learning experience for kids. Kudos to you both, fantastic job to two wonderful educators!! 🙂
This blog was amazing to say the least…Jen, you are a very “special” young lady to share and love not only these kids but so many you don’t even know…You are a blessing just being who you are …God is by no means done with this journey in your life…He answers prayer so keep doing what you are and know you are so “loved”…God Bless you Honey..Love you so very much..Hugs Aunt Margie and family..
I can’t top Kevin or Aunt Margie so I will just add that I agree wholeheartedly with both of them, you are trully an Amazing young lady!
Wow, a tear jerker!!! So great that you are able to share you story Jen. A blog to express the feelings and blessings in your life too. Thanks for sharing!