Got a few hours of sleep last night, not much to ride home about. Lungs are still tight, and did a lot of coughing throughout the night. Good news is I haven’t coughed up blood today! Still thick green junky stuff. Hard to take in a deep breath and get a forceful cough and this junk out!! Ggggrrrr! It will happen! I know it will.

My blood cultures came in today, and they are positive. So that means I have staph infection traveling throughout my bloodstream outside my lungs. Had to have a simultaneously blood draw done today. Meaning my nurse drew 20cc of blood out of my mediport, while the phlebotomist drew another 20cc of blood out of my left hand. Right now my doctors are trying to pinpoint where the infection is coming from. Is it in my mediport, or somewhere else in my body? I’m just praying it’s not in my port, if it is that isn’t good. Well having any type of infection is not good, but one in your mediport?? So I am saying some extra prays tonight that the infection isn’t in there!! We will know in 24 hours where the infection is coming from.

If the infection is in my port, more than likely I will be set to OHSU so my Infectious disease doctors can work closely together to tackle this head on. With being on the transplant list, and also being a high risk to go into surgery, this won’t be your simple “take out and replace with a new one” procedure. But I’m trying to stay positive and not think that far ahead. One step at a time!

I also had to have an echocardiogram done on my heart today. Being a science geek I always find those types of procedures interesting. Your heart is an amazing organ! The echocardiogram was done to make sure I don’t have an infection in my heart. Those results came back negative. Well at least we know one result! Ha ha.

As day 3 comes to a close. For the time being I am still on my same iv combinations, around the clock chest therapy, and still continuing with steroids. Took a hot shower this afternoon, the warm steam really made me cough, got some good junk out! Went for a short walk around the halls, and now just resting up before my RT (respiratory therapist) comes in for more shake rattle and cough time! Haven’t turned the corner just yet. Still pretty tired and short of breathe. But I will get there, just have to stay positive and keep pushing through! CF will NOT have me!

Hope you all had a chance to check out the amazing video that our friends Dan and Scott graciously put together. They did a phenomenal job! I can’t thank them enough! Also I really hope as you’re out and about in the community you are seeing our fundraising posters up! Thank you to everyone who is helping get them out!

Well until tomorrow, hope everyone has a good evening! I will be patiently waiting. Will report more tomorrow when results start coming in!

Until then…..


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