Well today was a better day! Starting to turn the corner. Went to several walks, trying to be on the careful side being up and about in a hospital. Trying to steer clear of anymore bugs. But I do need to be up and moving! Gotta keep this old airbags moving! My nose is still pretty junky and stuff is still traveling down the back of my throat. I truly feel once the sinus surgery is done and out of the way things will settle and feel much better!

Looks like I will remain in the hospital until Tuesday. I’m currently on three different iv medications, when I leave I will go home on one IV med for another seven days and then hopefully I will be completely done with IV’s for awhile. Well let’s hope anyways. Since Dr. Chakraborty and Dr. Gold switched one of my med’s around last week, I have to complete s 14 day course of it. It’s given every twelve hours so I will be able to administer it to myself at home. I think I can handle it! Lol.

I keep telling myself we have to get the sinuses fixed and healed and then the call for new lungs will follow just shortly after!?!? Wouldn’t that be amazing!! It will happen, I just know it!

Tomorrow is the big game! Looks like we will be having a super bowl party in room 224. Ha ha! My mom is bringing in home cooked food, I think I more excited about that than anything else! This probably sounds cheesy but I’m kind of excited to see Katy Perry perform at half time. I think she’s a great entertainer. Oh and who can forget about the new commercials that will be airing?!?! Since my family and I are die hard Dolphins fans and the Patriots always cream my dolphins I just can’t bring myself down to cheering them on. Sorry Emily & Jason! :(. Plus Seattle being the home of my transplant, I’m going to have to say I’ll be cheering the Hawks! But either way I hope it’s a good game.

Well looks like the auto pilot has been pushed. One way or another ill get back to my baseline. I’ll keep fighting like I always do! The nurse just came in hooked up my tube feeds, nightly med’s down the hatch, therapy is almost complete for the evening and then this girl is calling it an evening!

Hope everyone’s weekend is off to a great start!

Until next time……

“Just Breathe”

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One Response to Day 11

  1. Teresa says:

    Hey, don’t forget to thank a longtime friend, Larry Wilkins who is hooking us up with a bigger flat screen to watch the game. We owe him big!

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