Hey Everyone~

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know how we are doing. I am definitely starting to feel better. My breathing is getting easier. I was able to go for a walk this evening, which felt good. I was able to get several laps in before I was done. I was pooped afterwards, but hey baby steps! I’ll regain my strength and be back to my “spunky” old self. Ha ha.

Still doing tube feelings. Finally decreased from 6 cartoons of supplement down to my normal 4. Six was getting to be way too much. Having a hard time keeping all six cartoons down, and I also had no appetite during the day. Seattle was not happy I lost weight. No one to blame but myself for that one. I’ll pack the pounds back on! I keep reminding myself this is only temporary!

My final flu culture came back negative, so no more tamiflu. Relieved I don’t have the flu, but still concerned I got so sick so quickly. Guess I learned my limitations the hard way. Oh well, Saturday’s event was well worth it. I still find myself reflecting back on it, and thinking how surreal it was. I loved every minute of it!

Had my first set of visitors today. I even stayed awake during the conversations! Ha ha. Sure is sweet of people to take time out of their schedule to swing by and say hi. Wanted to tell Sandy Brown happy birthday! Tonight is her 29th birthday party and I wish I could have been there celebrating with everyone else. But I know she is having a great time, and a beer for me as well! :).

I do have to say thank you to Kerry for writing my last two blogs. I haven’t felt up to doing anything the last couple of days. It was nice of him to take time out and keep you guys updated!

Well RT is here ready to start my nightly nebs! Oh and here comes my nurse with tube feeds! Yummy! Therapy time!

Hope everyone’s weekend is off to a great start!

Until next time………

“Just Breathe”

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