This might be one of the shortest blogs I’ve posted yet. Day 7 is coming to a close. Still don’t feel up to par yet. My chest is still tight, still coughing up thick green/brown junk and still having a hard time catching my breath after coughing fits. My morning labs came back this afternoon and my white blood cell count is still climbing. Today I am 23, yesterday I was at 19. I think we have done every test under the sun today to figure out what’s going on. So far things are coming back negative. Dr. Chakraborty called and spoke to my CF doctor in Portland. For now the plan is to recheck labs in the morning, see what my numbers are, if still high we are going to switch some antibiotics around and see if that makes a difference. We can only hope!

Had a bunch of visitors tonight and I’m wore out! Started therapy early and just about ready to finish up. My nightly mets are down, iv antibiotics are going, and so are my tube feeds. Off to brush my teeth and then lights out for this girl!

Thank you everyone for your wonderful thoughts and prayers! Whatever this is sure has knocked me down this time around, but I’ll get back up swinging like I always do!

Until next time……

“Just Breathe”

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2 Responses to Day 7

  1. Susan Piekarski says:

    Joe and I are sending you grace. We so admire your strength and will. Please keep it up.

  2. PJ says:

    <3 Didn't realize you were in the hospital until today!! Haven't been on the computer for days!! Pray you start feeling better soonest!! So sorry to hear this!!! *:/

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