These old airbags are sounding better today! A few crackles in my upper lobes, but over all able to move air! X-ray and blood work all came back good. Still going in the right direction! Whoop whoop!

I got asked a really great question the other day and I would like to share it with everyone. The question was “what are you most excited for post transplant?” Man oh man did I have so many thoughts running through my head. Am I excited to take a deep breath again, and not cough up a lung? Am I excited not to be tied to therapy machines at least eight hours a day? Or am I most excited not to drag around an oxygen tank? I can finally be let of my “leash”. Man how can I answer this question without sounding silly. Of course I’m excited to experience all of these things, and much more. But after deep thought and consideration, there are two things I am most excited for post transplant.

The first thing is what is is like to wake up and get immediately in the shower, get ready and start your day? Not wake up at 8 o’clock go sit for two hours do therapy, get in the shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, go sit for another two hours while I do my afternoon therapy, take a nap afterwards from being wore out from all the coughing, then starting my day. Then again at 4:30-5:00 sit down for late afternoon therapy, eat dinner, and then finish up the evening at 8:00 with another two hours of therapy. Then finally off to bed to do it all over again. I’ve always wondered what is it like to take a nice warm shower right away, and then begin your day. Even when I was younger my days revolve around therapy. This will be a big change for me.

The second thing I am most looking forward to is, when going on vacation what’s it like just to take ONE bag? No extra bags containing, neb cups, inhalers, inhalation medications, oral medications, feeding tube supplies, therapy machine, clothes, and most important bottle and bottles of oxygen. Sometimes I think when we go on an overnight trip I looks like we are moving! Taking everything but the kitchen sink it feels like. I understand post transplant I will have to take oral medication, check my blood pressure, and spirometry but all those goodies can fit in my clothes bag. With all the extra room in the car, we might be able to do some shopping! Ha ha

Don’t get me wrong, there are so many things I am excited to experience post transplant, but those two really stuck out to me. I have a post transplant bucket list that is growing daily. But it’s the little things in life that mean the most. I truly believe in my heart I WILL get a transplant and I WILL experience everything on my bucket list!

As day eight comes to a close the “auto pilot” button is still on! Still cruising in the right direction! Guess with a little help from the iv antibiotics these old worn out airbags will still work! Well somewhat ha ha. Love hearing people say they have watched our video, and read our daily blogs!! Totally makes my day! Hope everyone had a great Tuesday!

Until next time…..


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