Okay I hope you’re all ready for a good laugh! I woke up this morning 6:00 am thinking I had an appointment at 9 o’clock. To be completely honest I am still learning how long it takes me to get ready in the mornings. Having extra time to sip my morning tea and watch the news I seriously enjoy! Anyway’s after I did my morning routine, got ready for the day I was headed out the door just a little before 8:30. So proud of myself I was going to be on time! I arrived at Dr. Chakraborty’s office slightly before 9:00, I walk up to the window to check in and his receptionist goes “well you are really early to your appointment. We have you done for 1:00 o’clock this afternoon!” Oops! I think I need to learn how to tell time! Oh my gosh I felt like such a goober! Dr. Chakraborty will vouch for my mistake! I will admit I was a little embarrassed! So needless to say I had several hours to kill.

I ran to Starbucks grabbed a cup of coffee for my mom and Candice (one of my great friends, she is one of my nurses at Mercy, and she flew with us to Seattle when we got the call). I thought I would surprise her. I headed for Mercy, figured I could waste a little time here visiting!My mom met me out front, we chit chatted for a few minutes. I was headed up to second floor to see Candice and a few other nurses that have taken care of me. But before I headed up stairs I asked my mom if Debbie Boswell was working, and she was! We made our way to her office, interrupted her meeting and she came out full of excitement and gave me one of the biggest hugs ever! She couldn’t believe how well I liked! She is one sweet lady, and I am extremely lucky to call her my friend.

After we finished visiting with Debbie my mom needed to head back to her office, and I took off for second floor. Candice was sitting at the nurses station doing computer work. I hollered at her “ummmmmmm HELLO!” She looked over the side of her computer like “what in the world?” Went back to looking at her computer and within seconds she jumped up yelling “oh my gosh!” She couldn’t believe it was me. It felt so great to finally give her a hug and thank her for everything she has done for me. I will never ever forget our plane ride to Seattle. We talked the entire way, she helped take my mind off the current situation and just try to relax. I am beyond grateful she rode with me in the ambulance to UW, stayed with me until my parents and Kerry got there. Having to say “see you in a few months” was difficult. very emotional for the both of us. Ahhhh my eyes are tearing up again! I also got to see Megan Jewell, Felicia Jarvis, Warren and many more people! It felt so amazing to be able to walk into Mercy on my own two feet, give these people a huge hug and then walk out on my own two feet. Yes Dr. Chakraborty I wore my mask the entire time I was in the hospital! 🙂

I finally made my way back up to the pharmacy. Got to see a majority of the pharmacy staff. It was great to see them! The only person I didn’t get to see was Mark “Warren” Johnson. Apparently going to lunch was more important! Ha just joking Warren, I will get to see you soon!

It was finally time for my 1:00 o’clock appointment, so I made my way back over to Dr. Chakraborty’s office. The receptionist and I laughed when I walked back in the door. Guess I need to start paying attention better! Had a great check up with Dr. Chakraborty, lungs are sounding great, weight is holding steady. He came in with a check list of things to talk about. We made our way through his list, covering topics from who’s going to do my weekly bandage changes, to the most important one when will sinus surgery take place. Tomorrow morning I have to report to ATC at Mercy to have my weekly lab draws done, and then change my bandage. Then at 1:40 o’clock I have an appointment with Dr. Schreiner hopefully we will know a surgery date! Would love to get this done and out of the way before the luau! By the way we still have tickets to the luau, get yours now and come join some serious fun!
This evening I met up with a great friend, Erin Weber. I felt so great to see her and her family! She helped me with a craft project tonight. Thank goodness she is crafty I would still be scratching my head. Her husband, Erin and I all had a great visit. They are such great people, loved sitting on couch and just having a great conversation. Before I knew it, it was 8:30. YIKES! Where did the time go? It was time for bed for her kiddos and I needed to get going. She made me this amazing book! It is all photos from our fundraiser. She did an amazing job! I absolutely love it! Thank you again Erin!!!

Well today has been a super busy day! This girls eyelids need to be held open with a toothpick! Time to finish my nightly routine and hit the hay! Hoper everyone had a good Monday! Cheers.

Until next time………
“Just Breathe”

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One Response to Doctor Visit & Meeting some amazing people!

  1. rebanta says:

    I do vouch for it!! thats one punctual patient that a doctor would be nervous about!! JA it felt great to clean up the visit notes from all the signs and symptoms of the past and write mostly about ” progress”..many more giant strides to make!!

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