I have to have my mediport flushed every 28 days when not in use so it doesn’t clot.
Flushing my mediport.
My daily oral medications
One days worth of inhailed medications.
I have to do a glucose tolerance test once a year. Diabetes is very common with people with CF.
Playing Crazy eights at OHSU back in May.
Nothing like having two amazing friends make the trip up to OHSU to visit you! I finally moved out of ICU this day, was beyond excited! A big part of my fight against CF comes from my family and friends.
The doc in charge! My CF doctor at OHSU. Dr. Jeffery Gold.
Therapy time!
My dad and I 🙂
A blast from the past!
Thanks Dan Marino for an unforgettable time!
Winning best appearing Jr. Dragster at the division 6 race.
Getting licensed to drive super comp. In an eighth mile I went 5 seconds at 132 mph! Hopefully one day I can get back in the driver seat!
Winning our first Wally at SCDRA. Great memories that will last a life time.
The News Review did a story on living with CF and drag racing.
I lived a very active lifestyle when I was younger. Which kept my lungs fairly healthy. I was a junior in high school when I had my first “clean out” which is typically unusual for people with CF.