Through the eyes of a future RT
When Jen asked me to write her blog tonight I was overfilled with emotions. To go back through the last couple years would not be easy but I’m beyond excited to share her story through my eyes. Jen and I go way back, back to my freshman year of high school when I played softball for her. Back in those days I knew she was sick but I didn’t know anything about CF. Over the years I slowly learned what was happening but I never understood the severity this disease could have. I think that was because Jen never skipped a beat and she was always ready for an adventure.
It wasn’t until I went to college that I slowly started to understand but then everything hit me when I got into the Respiratory program at OIT. I sat down with Jen a few weeks after my term started and she told me everything… from growing up with CF, to hospital visits, and all her medications that she took daily. I was blown away because she hid it so well and never let CF define her.
Last May everything changed, I started to see how ill CF could make you and for me that was terrifying. I knew this was the time she had to fight more than ever for her life and that was hard to face being in Klamath. I remember many nights on the phone with my mom just saying, “I want to be home, and I want to see Jen”. Over the next few months my view of Jen changed….but in a good way! I never looked at her as sick but as my inspiration and a role model. I remember so clearly the day I got the call about her new lungs! That day was a rollercoaster for sure. I was filled with so much joy but also with so much worry. I remember Thanking God for giving her this chance but praying harder and asking him to give her a little extra fight to get through surgery. While patiently waiting for any sort of news I found myself questioning my field of choice, everything was unknown and I didn’t know how I was going to face patients like this almost daily. The next few days were hard, not knowing was hard, not being there was hard but I found myself finding a piece of joy because I knew she was in God’s hands and he wasn’t finished with her journey yet. I knew from that moment on I was going to use this experience to be the best RT because Jen was my inspiration. Her hope, her fight, and her never giving up is something I hope I can share with my patients to allow them not to give up either.
Let me tell you seeing Jen yesterday was one of the best days ever! After 3 ½ months it was so good to see her feeling incredible, not coughing, and just breathing easy! That was a moment I will cherish always. This whole journey has taught me something I will take with me through my career as an RT. I’ve learned what it truly means to care for a patient. Jen has seen dark days, just like my patients will be facing theirs but I’m truly thankful to be a part of a field where I can fight for my patients like Jens doctors fought for her.

Until next time,

Stephanie Boerste

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3 Responses to Guest Blogger Tonight!

  1. Em says:

    Very good writing Steph! Cant wait for the luau!

  2. Aunt Levie says:

    Wonderful job of writing Steph! It came from the heart and it showed. Thank you for being such a good friend to our beautiful niece.

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