Well today was another waiting day. We were hoping to have sensitivity results back this morning and a game plan in sight. Well that didn’t happen until about 5:00 this evening. I am definitely growing pseudomonas in my sinuses and in my lungs. I have three different types of pseudomonas growing in my sinuses in short terms they are becoming resistant to oral medications, but the good new is the pseudomonas growing in my lungs is sensitive to a pill form called Levaquin. I will have to do Ceftazedime through iv and take Levaquin orally for the next 14 days. Looks like we pulled the port too soon. Bummer!!!! Fingers, toes and everything else crossed we will be headed to IR (Interventional Radiology) bright and early tomorrow so we can bust out of this joint!

I have such small veins and they are pretty much shot, placing a picc line bedside is pretty much out of the question. Last time I had a picc line placed on my right side I threw a major blood clot, it went up my arm, across my chest and up my neck, kind of scary. Ever since then anything placed on my right side just doesn’t thread right, it always ends up infiltrating right away, or in the wrong spot. By having Interventional Radiology place the picc line they can use small wires and magnets to help guide the needle across and into the right place. Plus they give you medication to help totally relax and not stress out. Thank goodness! My poor arms and belly look like they have been put through a war zone again. Ha ha. Oh well, just more battle scares to add to the collection! Plus they come with pretty cool story to tell.

Assuming things go to plan tomorrow and we are back at the apartment, I will have to return to the hospital Monday for lab draws only and then the following week we will be seen in post transplant clinic. Then maybe just maybe we might have a release date in sight! Trying not to get too excited, but sure would be nice be home!!! I was looking at pictures of my fury four legged children tonight and it made me really miss home!

I don’t have much more to report except for I am feeling much better and beyond ready to come home home!!!!!!! It rained for the majority of the day today. Guess it was a good thing we had another “waiting” day! Well hope everyone had a good Thursday!

Until next time……..

“Just Breathe”

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5 Responses to I think we can………I think we can……….

  1. Kevin says:

    Fingers and toes are crossed. It would be great to have you home soon!! I know Kerry can’t wait to get back to work! 🙂

  2. Teresa says:

    Today started off very hopeful and Jennifer was upbeat. As the day wore on it became apparent that discharge wasn’t going to happen today. For the first time since beginning this journey, I saw a crack in this tough, beautiful daughter of mine. I know she wanted so badly to be discharged, she was frustrated and felt she had no control. But then she started looking at pictures on her Phone and I realized she is so homesick. Another delay means another day away from going home to her family, friends and so important to her, her 2 furry children. Today was a hard day, but tomorrow will be brand new and we will try again. Thank you all for supporting Jennifer!

    • melissa says:

      Will jen end up having surgery on sinus ?? She is a fighter that’s for sure and all us family and her friends think and pray for her daily

  3. Doug H says:

    Sorry to hear about you troubles. I have been on Levaquin it is a pretty good oral antibiotic. I’m allergic to ceftazedime. They want to try a to see if I can use it now. Will have to get it under my skin in my arm and see if I react. Hope you have good luck with your picc line.

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