We all live life at an accelerated pace. Sometimes we don’t always tend to stop and reflect on how far we have come in life. I know I do tend to try to keep busy looking ahead at the future. Most of us tend to feel dissatisfied with where you are when you don’t take the time to appreciate how far you’ve come. I know last May I was very discouraged I kept thinking, I went from being semi healthy to depending on other to take care of me. Over the next few months I worked extremely hard to regain my strength and keep it up while I waited for a transplant. I know at times it was tough, because I kept thinking look how hard I work and yet I keep falling down hill. Trying to stay positive was hard! Just praying the call would come soon. Once the call came, surgery happened I kept asking myself what did I just do? Was I nuts for doing this? I was in a ton of pain. I just kept second guessing myself. I always wondered if I made the right decision, it was hard to look towards the future thinking how awesome life was going to be. All I could focus on the pain. But I had to keep pushing through the pain if I wanted to get anywhere. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, I worked extremely hard to build my strength back up. I did whatever I was told to do and then some. I remember taking my first walk with my new breathers, I couldn’t think about anything except for the fact I felt like I was starting all over again and I had a long ways to go. But now sitting here reflecting back on the past four months it is truly amazing how far I have come. It was not an easy road, but it all your hard work DOES payoff! I am not exactly where I want to be, but the fact that I am on my way is beyond remarkable. Good things and progress DO take time!

While I was living in Seattle my good friend Jwood sent me this quote via text message. “Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.” This is a quote I read daily. Such encouraging words! I am beyond grateful for Jwoods friendship, she is a compassionate, supportive, loving, caring person. I can’t thank her enough for everything she has done for me, especially for sharing this quote with me. I encourage everyone to sit down reflect back on your life, a situation, your family or whatever you may choose. It is amazing how all your hard work can payoff! We all need to remember to take time to reflect on our lives. Remember the positives, thats what will keep you going! For me reflecting back on my pre transplant days to now, life doesn’t even compare. My transplant team said it will take me six months to a year to find my new baseline with my lungs. Looking forward, I can’t imagine what life will be like, but for now I am going to enjoy every minute no matter what! I encourage everyone to read that specific quote daily! Such a good reminder! Thank you Jwood for sharing it with me!

I just tried to stay cool today, it was another warm one! Just worked on a few projects around the house. Anyway’s I hope everyone is staying cool especially tomorrow. Suppose to be even warmer tomorrow! Yikes! Hope everyone had a great Wednesday!

Until next time………

“Just Breathe”

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One Response to Inspirational Quote time!

  1. JWood says:

    You are such an inspiration for others, Jen! I feel very blessed to have you in my life! I too love that quote.

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