Well today was an interesting day. First of all my good friend Erin Weber decided to do “A day in the life of Jen Dwight.” So I documented every single thing I did today. From every treatment, every pill, every iv I got, to even when I took a nap. She has been working on compiling all the captions and photos onto our facebook community page. I think it was a brilliant idea. The more insight I can give you guys into what my life is like the better. You can always explain it to people, until they physically see it it doesn’t do justice. Plus the photos will be a nice compliment to our video as well!! I encourage all of you to check it out!
Dr. Chakraborty came in this afternoon his exact words were “your lungs sound better today, than they did yesterday!” That’s always a great inspiration to hear. Even though CF is a genetic disease and worsens with age, when I hear compliments like that I feel like I am doing something right. I am taking extremely good care of myself. I am very strict about staying on my therapy schedule. I do not for whatever reason miss a dose of therapy! I am known to pack my machines to friends houses, tailgate parties whatever. My car and my dads truck is also set up to run my machines as well. So I can bee bop down the road while doing therapy! Life goes on and therapy has to be done!!
Dr. Schriener my ENT doctor came into day. He stuck a big long scope up my nose and looked into all the areas of my sinuses. My frontal lobe sinuses (the ones in your forehead) have been giving me some issues. He noticed I have a bunch of scar tissue up there. He is going to go back look at my previous CT scans and come up with a plan. So hopefully tomorrow or the following day we should know something.
I am most definitely feeling better each day. Lungs aren’t as tight, loving being able to laugh a little and not hack up a lung! This old girl has had busy day, almost finished with therapy for the evening then it’s lights out! Hope everyone had a great Wednesday!
Until next time……
Hi Jen, I just recently became aware of what CF is, and how many struggle to lead normal lives.
I wanted to say that I am amazed at you strength an perseverance! I also wanted to tell you how
much I admire Kerry, and the job does for all of us at Brockway. He is a kind and patient man and a good leader.
My friend , Steve Clyde, from Oakland (we work in a band together) posted this today, and it helped me understand a bit more: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=577801279020098&set=vb.100003706944392&type=2&theater
I wish you BOTH the best on your journey!
You will be in our thought and prayers.
Happy thoughts for the Holidays!
Dirk Snyder, WD Music K-6