What an incredible day! Oh my gosh where to begin!!?? Since I received my second chance at life, all I have wanted to do was pay it forwarded to others. A complete stranger saved my life, if it wasn’t for this particular person I would still either be waiting or else. One day while my friend Erin Weber was over, I was talking about how grateful I am for my donor, and the ultimate decision a complete stranger had made, gave me a second chance at life. I also told her ever since transplant I have been in a “giving” mood and I really want to do things for others. Being the creative one Erin is, she suggested let’s do Random Acts of Kindness or RAK’S for short. I thought what a wonderful idea! I was totally up for the idea! I had mentioned the idea to Emily one day and she wanted to help. So we picked today as our RAK day, so Emily could participate as well.

Prior to us doing these acts, Erin came over while a few days ago and we planned out what we were going to do. I was dead set o doing 65 random acts. Why 65? When people are diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, especially young children they are taught to say “sixty five roses” to help them remember “Cystic Fibrosis”. Erin and I sat for quite awhile outside creating a list, surfing the internet for ideas. We finally had a list! I was beyond excited, I was ready to go out and do the acts that day! Erin laughed at me. Over the past week we have been accumulating items people had donated for our RAK. We also created comment cards, and a few other little notes to hang up around town. I had ordered these “Just Breathe” bracelets to be handed out at the luau but they did not come in time. They showed up on Tuesday after the luau. GGGRRRRR! So I had all of these bracelets to hand out. I thought those would be perfect for RAK day!

The day had finally arrived! It was RAK day, and I could not wait to get started! I had an eye doctor appointment first thing this morning. I have to have my eyes checked yearly since I am considered diabetic. Being diabetic can cause lots of issues with your eyesight, so it is better to be checked than sorry! Good news is my eyes are doing great! No signs of diabetic problems what so ever! So I was happy about that!

After my appointment I met Erin and Emily at Safeway, and it was time to let the fun begin! Our first stop was the drive thru at Starbucks. We waited a few minutes until another car pulled in behind us. We had ordered a few coffee drinks, and when we got to the window to pay we paid for the lady’s drink behind us. We left a “Hello” card and a “Just Breathe” bracelet with the barista to give to the lady behind us. I just wish I could have seen the ladies face when the barista told her “your drink has been paid for.” First act was down, and I already felt so good! Next stop was the hospital.

Being a frequent visitor in hospitals I know how lonely it can be in there, but I also know how hard the staff at Mercy works to take care of me, and it was my turn to surprise them! We stopped by the Respiratory Department to drop off a plate of cookies and a handful of bracelets. We knocked on the door and Bob Myers answered, we were excited to see each other and we talked for a few minutes. They were very grateful for the cookies and I hope everyone enjoyed!

We walked around the corner to the second floor nurses station. We had brought a “Just Breathe” cake for nurses and CNA’s to enjoy, and along with “Just Breathe” bracelets. We left extras so they could hand them out to patients or other staff members as they liked. For the inpatients I had a stack of old magazines I was going to recycle. Not anymore! I cut my name and address off the front cover and left them with the nurses. I know exactly how it feels to be stuck in a room twenty four hours a day, and watching television can only go so far! We also left a stuffed teddy bear with the nurses so they could pay it forward to someone else. I would love to hear when they do pass the teddy bear along. Hopefully they get just as much enjoyment out of paying it forward as I did. After chatting up a storm with everyone, giving lots of hugs it was time to move on to the pharmacy. Everyone knows my mom works in the pharmacy, and everyone in that department has watched me grow up for the pass twenty five years. We left a bouquet of flowers along with bracelets on the lunch room table. Hopefully they brightened one persons day!

Once we finished in the pharmacy, we wondered around the hospital and left a “Hello” note and a “Just Breathe” bracelet all over that place! We left them in window seals, waiting rooms, on door handles, and other places. Hoping people found them, and are rocking the “Just Breathe” bracelets!

Finally we were finished at the hospital. When we arrived back at the car we had 23 small roses to place on cars. We were suppose to have 24 but I accidentally broke one. 🙁 We placed 12 roses along with a “Hello” note and a “Just Breathe” bracelet on 12 random cars in the parking lot. I wanted to also place a note on Dr. Chakraborty’s car. So we did a hope, skip and a jump to the next parking lot where his car was. I placed it on his windshield, and he found it later on and posted a picture of it on facebook.

Next up with Fred Meyer’s parking lot. We placed 11 more roses on random people’s cars. We were circling the parking lot hoping to see someone come out and find the rose on their car. While we were waiting there was an older lady who had just gotten in her car. I told Erin I bet that lady would love a gift certificate for a free mini facial. (Which Sarah Kammeyer graciously donated to us, she is one of the owners of Lux Salon) So I walked up to her car, I could tell he was a little skeptical to roll the window down, but she eventually did. I told her “I would like for her to receive this little gift and have a great day!” She said thank you and rolled her window back up. Hopefully she will enjoy her facial!

After Fred’s we headed over to Stewart Park. There were tons of kids out playing, so we pace 5 giant wands of bubbles, along with a “Hello” note and “Just Breathe” bracelet on the playground. There was a gentleman sleeping at one of the tables, and he looked like he could use a meal. So we left a $5 gift card to McDonalds on his backpack. Hopefully when he woke up he found a great surprise! We had two $5 gift cards to McDonalds, and four $5 gift cards to Subway left. Erin had a great idea of placing them on some of the baseball player’s cars. It looked like either the Doc Stewarts were either having practice or getting ready for a game. But hopefully the players found them, and were excited!

Next we were headed to the Walgreen’s on Stewart Parkway. We left a bag of popcorn on the Redbox rental machine, so people could enjoy popcorn with their movie. There was also a young man sitting out front, who looked like he could use a meal as well. So I walked over to him and gave him a $5 gift card to McDonalds. He was extremely grateful for the card and the gesture. He kept thanking me, I said “no need for thank you’s just enjoy a meal!” He looked up and said “I certainly will!” I think the smile on my face had gotten bigger after that. We also left another bag of popcorn at the Redbox Rental at the Stewart Parkway McDonalds.

Wal-Mart was up next! We had created 14 or so compliment cards. We wrote them on sticky notes, so we could just stick them to the driver side window of peoples cars. We also taped a “Hello” note along with a “Just Breathe” bracelet to them as well. After all the comment cards were passed out, we went inside. We first left another bag of popcorn on the Redbox rental machine, so people could enjoy popcorn with their movie. Next we were headed to restrooms. A lady had graciously donated a gift certificate for a cut and style at a salon, and we also had a gift certificate graciously donated for a 1 hour massage. So we took two more complement cards tape one to each gift certificate. We left both of the gift certificates inside the baby changing stations in both restrooms. Who wouldn’t love that? A hard working mother goes to take care of her child and she finds a nice surprise for herself. Totally melts my heart!

Lastly we all had worked up a pretty good appetite so we headed to O’Tools Restaurant for lunch. Lunch was very delicious! Before we had left I went downstairs to use the restroom, we had created a few more comment cards, and I left them on the bathroom stall doors, and also on the mirror so when you washed your hands you would see a complement that would hopefully bring a smile to your face! As we were leaving we taped quarters to the “Hello” cards and we placed them on the parking meters in front of O’Tools and also in front of the court house. That way when people parked there was a quarter there to pay for their parking. Oh totally forgot to mention instead of leaving our waitress a tip, we left her a gift certificate for a free mini facial at Lux Salon. Hopefully she will enjoy that!

What an extremely busy day, but every minute was totally worth it! I cannot thank Emily and Erin enough for all of their hard work, and support today. It made the experience much more enjoyable! Thank you ladies for your help I couldn’t have done it without you! Secondly I have received several text messages, and messages on Facebook from people who received one of our RAK’s and it totally makes me tear up. The three of us did such a good deed today. It only took a few hours to complete and it makes you feel so grateful! I want to continue doing RAK days. The gift of giving is an amazing feeling. Just remember one thing when your out and about smile it is contagious, you never know who could use just a simple smile for a complete stranger! I feel so good about myself right now, and I am extremely proud I got to share this experience with Emily and Erin, definitely one for the memory books!

Once we were all said and done Emily and I were getting ready to leave town when we noticed our friend outside Walgreens was there. The light had changed to red so we came to a stop. We also had noticed a mother and her two young boys were headed towards our friend. So we watched, well the little boys had given this gentlemen a box with left over pizza in it! Emily and I wanted to pull over so bad and thank that mom for teaching her children to pay it forward at such a young age! I was truly amazing to watch. I am pretty sure Emily and I had tears in our eyes!

Well since I’ve wrote an novel so far I had better wrap this up. Sorry for not writing a blog Saturday night. It was Erin’s 32nd birthday, there was a group of us who went down to Seven Feathers to try our luck at bingo. Well we shared lots of laughs, but no one from our group walked away as a winner. Bummer! Oh well, we still had fun!

If anyone received a RAK we would love for you to post it on Jen Dwight’s Fight Page! Hopefully we brightened your day! Well this girl is off to bed, my eyes are getting extremely heavy!

Hope everyone had a great Tuesday! I know for a fact I did! Cheers!

Until next time………

“Just Breathe”

I forgot to mention the “Hello” cards I was referring to, this is what was printed on them:

Today, I am paying it forward by doing random acts of kindness! About 4 months ago, I was given a lift altering gift by a stranger. While what I am doing today is just 65 random acts of kindness. I am doing it in honor of the person who saved my life. Why 65 acts? I was born with Cystic Fibrosis – When they teach you as a child to say “Cystic Fibrosis” they have you practice saying “sixty five roses” because it sounds so similar. I hope my random act has brightened your day and that you may pay it forward to someone in the future.” 🙂

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3 Responses to It’s a RAK kind of a day!

  1. Kevin says:

    What a great idea to do a RAK day!! I imagine you brightened a lot of people’s day, we all get so busy it is hard to remember to be greatful. Thanks for the reminder, and have a great day!!

  2. Rick says:

    Thought I’d share the story of how 65 roses came about

    Mary G. Weiss became a volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 1965 after learning that her three little boys had CF. Her duty was to call every civic club, social and service organization seeking financial support for CF research. Mary’s 4-year-old son, Richard (Ricky), listened closely to his mother as she made each call.
    After several calls, Richard came into the room and told his Mom, “I know what you are working for.” Mary was dumbstruck because Richard did not know what she was doing, nor did he know that he had cystic fibrosis.

    With some trepidation, Mary asked, “What am I working for, Ricky?” He answered, “You are working for 65 Roses.” Mary was speechless.

    He could not see the tears running down Mary’s cheeks as she stammered, “Yes Ricky, I’m working for 65 Roses.”

    Since 1965, the term “65 Roses” has been used by children of all ages to describe their disease. But, making it easier to say does not make CF any easier to live with.

  3. Aunt Levie says:

    Very proud of you, as Aunt Pat says,”You Rock”!! There is no other feeling as the one you get when you pay it forward. Have always been a firm believer in it! Keep up the good work, it is totally awesome to have such good friends that want to help with it!

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