Happy Monday!

Today was a great day here in Seattle! Woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day! My dad took me to rehab this morning, made my new breathers woke hard today! Did my same routine, started with warm ups, moved to a few cardio exercises, followed by A LOT of leg strengthening. My PTA challenged me by upping the amount of weights she strapped to my ankles. I went from 9 pounds on each leg to 12 pounds on each leg. Let me tell you I could tell a difference. It was good! Hopefully a couple more weeks and I should graduate!!! Whoop whoop! Ha ha.

I returned back to the apartment just in time to change my shirt, throw on a pair of jeans and met up with Kerry. We were off to opening day at Safco field!!! Mariners took on the California Angels. Great day for a baseball game, sun was out, tons of people and it was King Felix day! I had a great time! Saw two home runs, one for the Mariners and one for the Angels, also saw several double plays, and some spectacular catches!! Although I am all for the Mariners, I will admit it was pretty cool to see Albert Pujlols, David Freese, and Mike Trout play. That was pretty awesome! Ahhhhhh loved watching the game!!!

After the game Kerry and I started walking back towards downtown. We made it about half way and then decided to take the train. If anyone who has made the trek from Safco to Pioneer Square knows its quite aways!! But with these new breathers I am extremely happy to say I kept pace with Kerry and eventually made it. All the stairs going up and down throughout the train station I thought was going to do me in, but I did it! I am also happy to say Kerry and I made it safely on the train, unlike my experience in New York with my mom. I was terrified! Ha ha!

On our walk back tonight I kept thinking to myself this is a dream. Two months ago I could barely walk 20 feet, just walking that far felt like I ran a marathon, took so much energy! Now here I stand, two months post transplant and I just throw on a pair of shoes and walk my little heart out! Even though I’m still regaining my strength and I get tired easily, but I am climbing hills, walking all over this city everyday and not struggling to breathe! To be completely honest I still find myself trying to wrap my head around this! It has to be a dream!! Oh wait, it’s not, this real, this is my life and I’m enjoying every minute!!! Ahhhhh can’t believe it and I am EXTREMELY grateful!

I received word this morning of a passing of a dear friend and my nail tech. I still am in shock, I just can’t believe it. God called an amazing, compassionate, loving woman home way too soon. Although I am happy to know she isn’t suffering anymore. She will be greatly missed, and loved by many. I also learned she was not a registered organ donor, but her daughter and husband were approached today, and asked if they could harvest her eyes, which would provide sight to two people and other vital parts that could provide life to others. She could provide life to at least 50 individuals. This brings tears to my eyes!!!! How amazing is that! Even though she is no longer with us physically, she will live on through others. I’m speechless, but extremely grateful I got to know this individual. Roberta Hale even though you are gone, you will NOT be forgotten! I will never find another nail tech like you! I am sorry I did not get to see you one more time, we will see each other again. I am sending lots of love to your family and friends during this time! You were a wonderful person!

Alright now that the tears a following, I better call it a night. I only walked 4.5 miles today, which according to my health app that is 10, 129 steps. Not counting rehab! I would say “not too shabby!” On a happier note I have a very SPECIAL couple flying up for the day to visit, and i’m beyond excited to see them! I know it will be a busy day, so I better get my beauty sleep! Ha ha! Hope everyone has a great evening.

Until next time………

“Just Breathe”

Below are several pictures from the game today. Not the greatest, I took it my phone, but still a great time!!



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6 Responses to Opening Day!!

  1. Rick says:

    Gotta tell us about the new York experience! Sorry to hear about your friend.

  2. Korina H. says:

    She loved you so much Jen!

  3. Kevin says:

    What a fantastic day for baseball, great pics. Sorry to hear about Roberta, life is short so enjoy every day!! Keep working those breathers and keep up the great work 🙂

  4. Doug H says:

    Great pictures so happy baseball is back. Glad you had a good day.

  5. Julie Stoffal Weaver says:

    Roberta and I went to school together. She was always happy and smiling. She was a beautiful lady and a great nail tech. Yes, she will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

    Jen, I love reading your posts. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you and keep walking.

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