Today was a busy day! Started the day off with several appointments this morning. Before I headed into town I stopped by and saw my good friend Jeanne Shellberg. It was supposed to be a warm one today, so I took her an iced coffee to help keep her cool! Even though our visit was short, it is always great to see her and Marty. They are great people, super caring! I also am super excited to say my other good friend Jwood (Jennifer Wood) is back home safe and sound! I cannot wait to see her and hear all about her trip! I missed her and Ken while they were gone! By their pictures it looks like they had a great time! Can’t wait to give them a hug as well!
While I was in town this afternoon I ran into one of my high school teachers Vi Jobb. I haven’t seen her in such a long time. She gave me a great big hug, and was so excited to see how well I am doing. We had a short but great conversation! Her grandkids look so adorable! It was great to catch up! So good to see you Vi! 🙂
Tonight Kerry and I went to dinner with Craig and Alesha. Of course we went to Loggers. Best gluten free pizza in town! Someone was playing some old school country music on the jukebox, it was pretty funny! Had a few good laughs!
Once I got back home I have been packing my bag. We are leaving tomorrow morning for Seattle. I have to be in Post Transplant clinic Monday morning. It is beyond crazy to me that just 6 weeks ago we left Seattle headed for home. Where has the time gone? Goodness! Several people have asked me if I am nervous to go back to clinic. I’m not nervous, I am excited to show my transplant team how well I am doing. Although if I was going to be nervous I would be nervous about doing my PFT’s. I truly feel my numbers will be up, but there’s always a slight chance something could happen. Just like pre transplant you have to stay positive, you cannot dwell on the negative or think negatively. That does NOT due anyone any good!
I was also thinking about when we were headed home from Seattle on May 5th, it was one year to date I had gotten sick went into the emergency room at Mercy and then was shipped to OHSU. Well we all know what happened up there, I do not remember the month of May. How crazy to think what has happened in an entire year. Going from feeling somewhat healthy to extremely sick, on oxygen, depending on others to take care of me. Trying to stay positive but I will honestly say there were several times it was extremely hard. Wondering if I would make it day to day, just trying to breathe was a major struggle. To getting a life saving call, having new breathers to being able to do anything! Nothing can stop me now! Well it feels like that anyway! How crazy life can be at times! Though all the love, support and prayers here we are! A walking miracle! Seriously life is good! Reflecting back on the past year what an emotional roller coaster ride. If I had to do it all over again I would. Never would have dreamt I would feel this amazing!
Well I better get ready for bed, tomorrow morning is coming quickly. Hope everyone had a great Thursday! Stay cool and wear your sunscreen! 🙂
Until next time……….
“Just Breathe”
I hope you and Kerry have fun in Seattle! Make sure to eat at the Crab Pot for us!